The first step is to connect the device with your FireStudio Mobile and then to set it up in Studio One. Setting up the PSR should basically work the same as with any other controller. I am a newb with respect to midi as well as studio one. Also, since the keyboard is so old I can't find any step by step instructions on how to do it with this particular keyboard.Īny help is appreciated, I tried searching the forum first but couldn't find anything, so be easy on me. I tried looking for info on line, but it seems that everyone skips this step and gets right into using the software, which I can do on my own. I need to know what buttons on the keyboard I should be pushing and the sequence of doing so to get the device hooked up with my recording software. I have attached the user manual for the keyboard, there is one small section on midi, but really all it shows is what buttons there are when using midi and does not give a step by step of how to set it up to work. I am using a Fire Studio Mobile and Studio One Artist. The keyboard has midi capability however I have no idea how to set the keyboard up so that it can be discovered by my audio interface.

If you want to record your keyboard using MIDI data, you should download the latest MIDI drivers. Download the MIDI drivers for your keyboard.